Reconciling Divorce: Philippine Divorce Law and What This Could Mean for You

In the first time since the Family Code 1987, The Philippines is facing the closest opportunity it has had in revising the legislative climate around divorce.
“Kontra Corona” Documentary Shown in Asian Film Festival Barcelona

“KONTRA CORONA”, a film documentary by Juan EU Konek on the coronavirus pandemic and its devastating effect on the Filipino communities
Immigration Health Surcharge to increase on 16 January 2024

If you are still renewing your visa in the United Kingdom, that is you only have leave to remain or what is called temporary visa, then you will be affected by this development.
How Changes in UK Immigration May Affect Filipinos Living Here

In the diverse mix of people in the UK, the Filipino community is known for its important roles, especially in healthcare
Asian Film Festival Barcelona

Barcelona- Kontra Corona, a documentary film by Juan EU Konek on the coronavirus pandemic and its devastating
Young Filipino Artist Wins at Florence Biennale 2023

Ariosto Dale Bagtas, aka Dale Bagtas, a multi-awarded young 27 year old artist from Bulacan, Philippines
“Dancing with Glory” at the Philippine Embassy

On the enchanting evening of 18th October 2023, a dazzling celebration of Filipino art and culture unfolded at the Philippine Embassy
How to spot bogus law firms and solicitors

An unforgettable moment in the town of Stevenage, England when it celebrated the Barrio Fiesta on Saturday….
Barrio Fiesta in Stevenage showcases Philippine culture

An unforgettable moment in the town of Stevenage, England when it celebrated the Barrio Fiesta on Saturday….
Countdown to ASAP Natin To in Milan

MILAN, August 15, 2023 – The spirit of Ferragosto — one of Italy’s most awaited national holidays that is celebrated